Soil carbon sequestration and stocks: short-term impact of maize succession to cover crops in Southern Brazil Inceptisol

Keywords: organic matter, legumes, no-tillage, conservation agriculture, green manure, straw production, nutrient cycling


Aim of study: To evaluate soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration and stock over the succession of maize to winter cover crops under a short-term no-tillage system.

Area of study: A subtropical area in Southern Brazil.

Material and methods: The experiment was implemented in 2013. The treatments were: seven winter cover crops single cultivated (white-oats, black-oats, annual-ryegrass, canola, vetch, fodder-radish and red-clover); an intercropping (black-oats + vetch); and a fallow, with maize in succession. Soil samples were collected after four years of experimentation, up to 0.60 m depth, for SOC determination.

Main results: SOC stocks at 0-0.6 m depth ranged from 96.2 to 107.8 t/ha. The SOC stocks (0-0.60 m depth) were higher under vetch and black-oats, with an expressive increase of 23 and 20% for C stocks in the 0.45-0.60 m layer, compared to fallow. Thus, SOC sequestration rates (0-0.60 m depth), with vetch and black oats, were 1.68 and 0.93 t/ha·yr, respectively.

Research highlights: The establishment of a high-quality and high C input cover crops in the winter, as vetch or black-oats in succession to maize, are able to increase SOC stocks, even in the short term.



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How to Cite
Locatelli, J. L., Bratti, F., Ribeiro, R. H., Besen, M. R., Brancaleoni, E., & Piva, J. T. (2020). Soil carbon sequestration and stocks: short-term impact of maize succession to cover crops in Southern Brazil Inceptisol. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 18(3), e0304.
Agricultural environment and ecology