Does the proposed CAP reform allow for a paradigm shift towards a greener policy?

  • Ilona Rac University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva ulica 101, Ljubljana
  • Karmen Erjavec University of Novo mesto, Faculty of economics and informatics, Na Loko 2, Novo mesto
  • Emil Erjavec University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva ulica 101, Ljubljana
Keywords: Common Agricultural Policy, environment, policy paradigm, Strategic Plans, social learning, path dependency, liberal intergovernmentalism


Aim of study: The paper explores whether the legislative proposal for the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2021 and the novelty of comprehensive strategic planning at Member State (MS) level can bring about a greener, more multifunctional policy paradigm. While existing research has explored long-term policy change over the entire decision-making process, this study aims to demonstrate the usefulness of conducting policy analysis at the inception of the legislative procedure.

Area of study: The study applies to the European Union.

Material and methods: The research employs a qualitative method of policy analysis, using a combination of three theoretical frameworks – social learning, path dependency and intergovernmentalism. Extensive document analysis and in-depth interviews were applied to evaluate the proposed reform and gauge the responses of key interest groups.

Main results: The proposal holds potential for a substantial overall greening of the policy but will be strongly dependent on implementation at the MS level; the institutional framework provides space for increased environmental ambition, but does not guarantee it, as the proposed safeguards are too weak.

Research highlights: More accountability is required during the formulation and implementation of Strategic Plans. Due to strong elements of path dependency and intergovernmentalism, an overall paradigm shift at EU level is unlikely. Strengthening the role of MSs is weakening the commonality of the policy that guarantees at least minimal environmental standards.


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How to Cite
Rac, I., Erjavec, K., & Erjavec, E. (2020). Does the proposed CAP reform allow for a paradigm shift towards a greener policy?. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 18(3), e0111.
Agricultural economics