Tunisian consumer preferences for local forest honey attributes: A market segmentation analysis
Aim of study: This study focuses on the segmentation of local forest honey market based on consumer preferences for its origin and other sensory attributes.
Area of study: Tunisia
Material and methods: The empirical analysis relies on a face-to-face questionnaire survey of 200 respondents, conducted in 2019 among Tunisian consumers. A cluster analysis was used to identify the market segments and multinomial logit analysis was used to determine segment membership characteristics.
Main results: Three distinct market segments were identified. The first segment of consumers (44% of the sample) prefer eucalyptus and multifloral honey from the Northwest origin; the second segment (39%) is composed of consumers that tend to buy honey mainly produced in the eastern region of the country; in the third (17%), consumers prefer thyme-rosemary' honey.
Research highlights: Consumer preferences for local forest honey mainly depend on its geographical origin, flower type, flavor and color. Findings suggest that gender, income, and grocery shopping task are the main determinants of the importance of these attributes.
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