Fermented soybean meal in broiler diets exposed to stress induced by corticosterone: Effect on growth performance, gut health and immune response

Keywords: probiotics, animal nutrition, Bacillus subtilis, Newcastle disease, gene expression


Aim of study: To investigate the effect of fermented soybean meal (FSBM) on responses of broiler chickens exposed to stress condition.

Material and methods: Two hundred and eighty-eight day-old male chickens were allocated to six treatments in a 2 × 3 completely randomized factorial design involving two factors: factor 1 was the subcutaneous injections of CORT or corn oil (as control) at 2 mg/kg body weight twice per day during 3 days; and factor 2 were 3 levels (0, 10 and 20%) of FSBM in replacement of the original soybean meal.

Main results: The replacement of soybean meal by FSBM increased FI and BWG without any significant effect on FCR (10 days), while FCR was increased significantly by CORT injection. Corticosterone injection caused a significant decrease in the ratio of villus height (VH) to crypt depth (CD) in the duodenum and jejunum. The height of villi in the duodenum increased significantly at 20% FSBM replacement. The antibody titers against Newcastle disease (28 and 2 day), coliform count (28 day) and activity of digestive enzymes (10 day) were not affected by either FSBM replacement or CORT injections. Corticosterone injection significantly increased tall-like receptor-4 (TLR4) and immunoglobulin A (IgA) expression, while decreased heat shock protein-70 (HSP70) expression. FSBM replacement down-regulated the expression of TLR4, HSP70, and IgA in small intestine compared to the control group. In stress condition induced by CORT injection, 10% FSBM replacement decreased HSP70 and IgA expression in the jejunum and ileum, while had no effects on TLR4.

Research highlights: Partial replacement of soybean meal by FSBM in diets had positive effects on performance, intestinal morphology and immune response in chicks exposed to stress.


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How to Cite
ABEDDARGAHI, F., DARMANI-KUHI, H., ROOSTAIE-ALIMEHR, M., HOSSEINI-MOGHADDAM, S. H., HASSAN-SAJEDI, R., HOSSEINI, A., & MOHAMMADPOUR, F. (2023). Fermented soybean meal in broiler diets exposed to stress induced by corticosterone: Effect on growth performance, gut health and immune response . Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 21(3), e0607. https://doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2023213-18995
Animal production