Short communication: Morphometric characterization of Lidia cow (Bos taurus) reproductive apparatus

  • Pedro B. C. Correia IITAA (Research Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Technology), Animal Reproduction, University of the Azores, Dept. of Agrarian Sciences, Angra do Heroísmo 9700-042
  • Erica E. Baron IITAA (Research Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Technology), Animal Reproduction, University of the Azores, Dept. of Agrarian Sciences, Angra do Heroísmo 9700-042, Portugal Centro Universitário Monte Serrat (Unimonte). Av. Comendador Martins 56, Vila Mathias, Santos 11045-540, Brazil
  • Krishna Pavani IITAA (Research Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Technology), Animal Reproduction, University of the Azores, Dept. of Agrarian Sciences, Angra do Heroísmo 9700-042, Portugal University of Ghent, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dept. of Reproduction, Obstetrics and Herd Health, Salisburylaan 133, B-9820 Merelbeke, Belgium
  • José Pacheco-Lima Secretaria Regional da Agricultura e Ambiente dos Açores- Serviços de Desenvolvimento Agrário da Terceira. Angra do Heroísmo
  • Sofia Lopes IITAA (Research Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Technology), Animal Reproduction, University of the Azores, Dept. of Agrarian Sciences, Angra do Heroísmo 9700-042
  • Helder Nunes IITAA (Research Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Technology), Animal Reproduction, University of the Azores, Dept. of Agrarian Sciences, Angra do Heroísmo 9700-042
  • Joana Lourenço IITAA (Research Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Technology), Animal Reproduction, University of the Azores, Dept. of Agrarian Sciences, Angra do Heroísmo 9700-042
  • Selma Furnas IITAA (Research Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Technology), Animal Reproduction, University of the Azores, Dept. of Agrarian Sciences, Angra do Heroísmo 9700-042
  • Joaquim F. M. da Silva IITAA (Research Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Technology), Animal Reproduction, University of the Azores, Dept. of Agrarian Sciences, Angra do Heroísmo 9700-042
Keywords: Lidia cattle breed, bovine female reproductive apparatus


To study Lidia cow reproductive apparatus traits, a total of 90 organs were collected after slaughtering the cows from different Bos taurus breeds: (i) Lidia cattle breed - Brava dos Açores population (n=10) and Domecq lineage (n=11); (ii) Holstein Friesian females – 10-14-month-old heifers (n=15); 15-20-month-old heifers (n=10), 21-19-month-old heifers (n=18), and (iii) cows ≥ 30 months (n=26). The length and width were measured for five portions of the female reproductive apparatus (vulva and vagina, cervix, uterine body, uterine horns and ovaries). One-way ANOVA was performed with Tukey test. The level recognized to assume differences was p<0.05 to less. Differences were not shown between Lidia groups. In general, the Lidia cow reproductive apparatus was small in size that that of the matured cows in terms of all traits, with the exception of cervix rings (5.10 ± 0.17 rings) with p≤0.01 for all the groups (averages ranged from 3.33 ± 0.11 rings to 3.50 ± 0.15 rings). The vulva and vagina (L= 27.31 ± 0.53 cm; W=2.07 ± 0.14 cm), the uterine body width (3.01 ± 0.18 cm) and the uterine horns (L= 12.24 ± 0.32; W= 1.13 ± 0.10) showed were smaller in size than those of the evaluated heifers from HF breed that ranged in age from 10 to 14 months (p≤0.01). This study was the first to perform a morphometric characterization on the Lidia cow reproductive apparatus, and the results provide useful information for understanding reproductive approaches to be used with this breed.


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How to Cite
Correia, P. B. C., Baron, E. E., Pavani, K., Pacheco-Lima, J., Lopes, S., Nunes, H., Lourenço, J., Furnas, S., & da Silva, J. F. M. (2018). Short communication: Morphometric characterization of Lidia cow (Bos taurus) reproductive apparatus. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 16(3), e04SC03.
Animal breeding, genetics and reproduction