Ranking and measuring the dynamics in the reasons-for-buying selected produce

Keywords: preferences, fruits and vegetables, consumer, behaviour, models


Aim of study: Individual purchasing behaviour depends on economics, psychology, marketing and sensory science. Given that the list of reasons-for-buying is almost unlimited, we have defined 14 pre-set descriptors thought to entail the more important attributes when make buying decisions within a food group of selected fruits and vegetables.

Area of study: We have used a United States buyer data base of over 175,000 observations.

Material and methods: Each household was asked to rank their first, second, and third most important reasons for buying, within the set of descriptors. The overriding goal was to gain insight into the attributes and change over time. Using empirical models, the relative importance of the attributes is shown and forecasted for a decade beyond 2021.

Main results: Price and quality were expected to be the main drivers; however, the organic attribute is one requiring significant changes in the production, inspection, distribution and marketing policies, hence considering future expectations for organics is particularly important.

Research highlights: Preferences for organics have grown, but what are the expectations a decade from now? Will that interest remain so for many years to come?


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How to Cite
Ward, R. W., Briz, T., & Ortega, L. (2023). Ranking and measuring the dynamics in the reasons-for-buying selected produce. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 22(1), e0101. https://doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2024221-20282
Agricultural economics