The impact of tillage systems and crop residues on microbial mass and soil structure stability indices

  • Afsaneh Alinejadian-Bidabadi Lorestan University, Faculty of Agriculture, Soil Science Dept., Khoramabad
  • Abbas Maleki Lorestan University, Faculty of Agriculture, Water Engineering Dept., Khoramabad
  • Mahtab Roshaniyan Lorestan University, Faculty of Agriculture, Soil Science Dept., Khoramabad
Keywords: improving aggregate stability, microbial biomass carbon, normalized stability index, plant residues, whole soil stability index


Aim of study: This research investigated the effects of management practices, including plant residues and tillage practices, on soil stability indices, microbial biomass carbon, and the number of bacteria.

Area of study: Northern Khorasan Province, Iran.

Material and methods: This study explored the effects of the three year-old tillage systems of conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), and no-tillage (NT) at three levels 0, 40, and 70% of plant residues on soil physical and microbiological properties for a rotation of three years (wheat, canola, and wheat). Variables measured in this study included the whole soil stability index, the normalized stability index, the percentage of aggregate destruction (PAD), the number of bacteria, and microbial biomass carbon.

Main results: Management practices could affect variables, such as soil structure stability as well as the number of bacteria. The results also showed that soils of higher stability were more resistant to soil degradation. In addition, by reducing tillage and adding plant residues, the PAD index decreased significantly. NT and MT practices improved soil structure stability indices and significantly increased the number of bacteria as well as microbial biomass carbon in contrast to CT, what could be attributed to the increased soil organic matter.

Research highlights: Reduced tillage practices showed the potential for enhancing soil physical quality only through improving aggregate stability. Therefore, NT with 70% residue retention was found to be suitable to improve soil sustainability indices and increased soil microbial population.


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How to Cite
Alinejadian-Bidabadi, A., Maleki, A., & Roshaniyan, M. (2021). The impact of tillage systems and crop residues on microbial mass and soil structure stability indices. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 19(1), e1101.
Soil science