Short communication. Major macroelement exports in fruits of diverse almond cultivars

  • J. M. Alonso
  • J. L. Espada
  • R. Socias i Company
Keywords: NPK-nutrition, production, Prunus amygdalus


The amount of the major macroelements required to produce a given crop has been determined for a set of 11 almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch) cultivars growing in the Middle Ebro Valley (NE Spain). A wide diversity of nutrient exports was found among the different cultivars. Although the production of kernels is the main objective when growing almonds, all the different fruit components: the mesocarp (hull), the endocarp (shell) and the seed (kernel), were taken into account. The different fruit components showed a great variation among cultivars, and the amount of fruit dry matter required for producing 1 kg of kernel ranged from 4.32 kg in ‘Guara’ to 10.56 kg in ‘Desmayo Largueta’. Similarly, the macroelement requirements to produce a given amount of kernels varied among the different cultivars. ‘Guara’ has proved to be the most effective cultivar in taking advantage of the mineral elements for producing a crop, showing that this efficiency is independent of the shell type. 


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How to Cite
Alonso, J. M., Espada, J. L., & Socias i Company, R. (1). Short communication. Major macroelement exports in fruits of diverse almond cultivars. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(1), 175-178.
Plant production (Field and horticultural crops)