Beef animal welfare, attitudes and Willingness to Pay: A regional comparison across the Pyrenees

  • Pierre Sans Université de Toulouse, INP-Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, UR-1303 ALISS, 23 Chemin des Capelles. 31076 Toulouse Cedex 3
  • Ana I. Sanjuán-López CITA, Agro-Food Economics and Natural Resources Dept., Avda Montañana, 930. 50059 Zaragoza / European Commission JRC-IPTS, AGRILIFE Unit, Edificio Expo, Inca Garcilaso 3. 41092 Seville
Keywords: meat, animal welfare labelling, WTP, cross-regional


Attitudes towards beef animal welfare (AW) and Willingness to Pay (WTP) for AW certification are investigated among consumers in two Spanish and two French regions located on both sides of the Pyrenees (n=1213). Attitudes were measured through a scale of 11 animal practices, on which, consumers report their degree of concern and trust on the supply chain compliance. Attitudes significantly differed across regions, especially with respect to those AW practices carried out by farmers, while trust lies behind concerns. Three segments based on individual consumer attitudes are defined by opposing those consumers who are more concerned and who trust more on the compliance with AW standards (n=264, 22%) to those less concerned and who are more uncertain about stakeholders´ compliance with AW rules (n=356, 29%). Consumer location, gender, age and education significantly differed across attitudinal clusters. Results from a contingent valuation survey show that WTP for certified animal friendly beef ranged between 20.6% and 22.6% over the average market price of standard beef, in Spain and France, respectively. Both, consumers’ socio-demographic characteristics and habits regarding beef meat purchasing and attitudes towards farmers influenced this WTP (the more consumers trust in farmers’ involvement in animal welfare, the highest is their WTP), while a negative overall attitude significantly reduced WTP.


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How to Cite
Sans, P., & Sanjuán-López, A. I. (2015). Beef animal welfare, attitudes and Willingness to Pay: A regional comparison across the Pyrenees. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 13(3), e0105.
Agricultural economics