Fungal trunk pathogens associated with wood decay of pistachio trees in Iran

  • Hamid Mohammadi Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Kerman 7616914111
  • Mehdi Sarcheshmehpour Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, Kerman 7616914111
  • Ebrahim Mafi Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Kerman 7616914111
Keywords: β-tubulin gene, fungal trunk pathogens, internal transcribed spacer, pistachio decline, Pistacia vera


Over the growing seasons of 2011–2013, various pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) cv. Fandoghi, and wild pistachio (P. atlantica Desf. subsp. mutica) trees were inspected in Iran to determine the aetiology of trunk diseases with specific reference to species of Phaeoacremonium and Botryosphaeriaceae spp. Samples were collected from branches of trees exhibiting yellowing, defoliation, canker and dieback, as well as wood discoloration in cross sections. Fungal trunk pathogens were identified using morphological and cultural characteristics as well as comparisons of DNA sequence data of the ITS and TEF-1α (for Botryosphaeriaceae species) and β-tubulin gene (for Phaeoacremonium species) regions. Phaeoacremonium parasiticum was the dominant species followed by Phaeoacremonium aleophilum, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Neofusicoccum parvum, Phaeoacremonium cinereum, Phaeoacremonium viticola and Dothiorella viticola. Pathogenicity tests were undertaken to determine the role of these species on pistachio under field conditions. Neofusicoccum parvum and Pm. aleophilum caused the longest and smallest lesions respectively. This study represents the first report on the occurrence and pathogenicity of Phaeoacremonium species on P. vera cv. Fandoghi. This also represents the first report of Pleurostomophora sp. on pistachio and Pm. parasiticum and D. viticola on wild pistachio.


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How to Cite
Mohammadi, H., Sarcheshmehpour, M., & Mafi, E. (2015). Fungal trunk pathogens associated with wood decay of pistachio trees in Iran. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 13(2), e1007.
Plant protection