Simple sequence repeat (SSR) vs. sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers for Cynara cardunculus characterization

  • R. Casadevall
  • E. Martin
  • V. Cravero
Keywords: cardoon, genetic resources, genetic variability, globe artichoke


A little is known about the genetic variability present in globe artichoke, cultivated and wild cardoons. This knowledge
is very important for efficient genetic resources utilization, and to gain a better understanding of genetic structure of this
botanical varieties. With the aims to determine genetic distances between Cynara cardunculus accessions and to compare two molecular markers systems for their efficiency to differ between botanical varieties, a molecular characterization of sixteen accessions from different geographical origins was performed. Seven SSR and seven SRAP markers were used
for varieties characterization and to calculate genetic distances between them. Both distance matrices were subjected to cluster analysis. Exclusive SSR alleles were found for globe artichoke and for wild cardoon, but non exclusive alleles
were found for cultivated cardoon. For both markers systems two major groups were identified, one of them included
mostly globe artichoke accessions and the other one grouped mainly cardoons. The differences observed in the sub-cluster
conformation with each marker systems may be due to intrinsic characteristics of the markers. Concluding, both kind of molecular markers are valuable tools for studying genetic distances between C. cardunculus accessions although they
give different information. Nevertheless, SSR electrophoretic profiles are simpler to score than SRAP markers because
they consist of just a few bands. As well, bands are highly informative because of the great number of alleles existing in
population and they are codominant markers. In addition, SSR’s use would reduce time and costs.


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Author Biographies

R. Casadevall
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (UNR). CC 14. S2125ZAA Zavalla (Santa Fe). Argentina
E. Martin
CONICET. CC 14. S2125ZAA Zavalla (Santa Fe). Argentina
V. Cravero
CONICET. CC 14. S2125ZAA Zavalla (Santa Fe). Argentina


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How to Cite
Casadevall, R., Martin, E., & Cravero, V. (2011). Simple sequence repeat (SSR) vs. sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers for Cynara cardunculus characterization. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 9(2), 453-459.
Plant breeding, genetics and genetic resources